Health - Ginga/Covid Kaadha

A concoction to improve your immunity
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Water (पानी)

2 Cups (20 Ounces)

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Fresh Ginger (अदरक)

Size of a small sugar candy

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Turmeric (हल्दी)

One Teaspoon

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Coriandar (धनिया)

One Teaspoon

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Carom Seeds (अजवाइन)

One Teaspoon

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Cloves (लौंग)

2-3 Pieces

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Black Pepper (काली मिर्च)

Half Teaspoon

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Cinnamon (दालचीनी)

One Teaspoon

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Cumin Seeds (जीरा)

One Teaspoon

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Tulsi Leaf (तुलसी पत्ता)

3-4 leaves


1. Put 20 Ounces of water in a pan

2. Add Ginger and Turmeric

3. Add Coriander Seeds/Crushed Coriander Seeds, Cumin Seeds

4. Add Carom Seeds, Black Pepper, Cloves, and Tulsi Leaf

5. Add Cinnamon

6. During winter, you can add little bit of Jaggery also. It adds taste as well as it is good for health also during winter.

7. Let it boil, when half of the concoction is left, drink it.

8. It is recommended to drink it luke warm for the maximum benefits.

Note: Water and ginger are the main ingredients, if you do not have one or the other ingredients, you may not get the benefits of that/them but you can still prepare the concoction and drink it.